> Sound like a good idea! Gbp currently ships a helper script in examples/
> which could go then, however this script has some things that
> git-pbuilder currently lacks:
>     * update|create|login options to log into the chroot
>     * it takes the dist (sid, squeeze, ...) from the script name
> I wonder if we should merge those first? Russ, would you be o.k. with
> keeping git-pbuilder up to date in git-buildpackage? We could work with
> a submodule but this looks like overkill for a single skript.

I'll have a look at the script to see what can be done.

Currently I rig /etc/pbuilderrc to look at the DIST environment variable and
choose the right cowdir. This isn't overly complicated:

if [ -z "$DIST" ]; then
>         BASEPATH=/var/cache/pbuilder/base.cow;
> else
>         if [ "$DIST" = "etch" ]; then
>                 DEBIAN_ETCH_WORKAROUND=1;
>         fi
>         BASEPATH=/var/cache/pbuilder/base-$DIST.cow;
> fi

Maybe git-pbuilder could source an additional configfile that defines this
as default if you want. Or we could indeed always add options to
git-pbuilder. However, in that last case, how do we make sure the cowdirs
are there to begin with? And what options do we add? What if people want
switches to switch between i386 amd amd64 on 64 bits machines?

So: maybe we shouldn't go there at all and add a README that explains how to
use multiple cowdirs and archs.



PS: git-buildpackage rocks!

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