I'm planning an upload in a day or two and I want to fix this bug. I have taken 
your patches and cooked up something.

While testing, I realized that it looks like udev itself is taking care of 
activating/de-activating iscsi devices.

Now I can still go ahead with the patches applied and upload it or else drop 
the patches and offload that task to udev. Comments ?


On Monday 19 Jan 2009 04:30:29 Javier Barroso wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a similar patch for this issue (but the first in this bug seems
> fine too), so I'm not attaching my patch, but yes a complementary patch.
> I think unmounting lvm filesystem is necesary. This patch, umount LVM
> filesystem from iscsi disk:
> --- umountiscsi.sh.orig 2009-01-18 23:35:41.000000000 +0100
> +++ umountiscsi.sh      2009-01-18 23:36:44.000000000 +0100
> @@ -31,6 +31,16 @@
>         done
>      done
>      log_end_msg 0
> +    if [ -x /sbin/lvs ]; then
> +           log_daemon_msg "Unmounting iscsi-backed LVM filesystems"
> +           for DEVICE in $(mount | awk  '/_netdev/ {print $1}'); do
> +               if lvs "$DEVICE" &> /dev/null; then
> +                   log_progress_msg $DEVICE
> +                   umount $DEVICE
> +               fi
> +           done
> +    fi
> +    log_end_msg 0
> We (as debian user) have another problem with lenny and iscsi + lvm +
> multipath (should I open another bug?). I try to explain it here:
> # pwd
> /etc/rc6.d
> # ls -1 *multipath* *iscsi* *lvm*
> K20multipath-tools
> K80umountiscsi.sh
> K81open-iscsi
> S50lvm
> S50lvm2
> Suppose I have a pv in iscsi lun, and over it a vg, who has a lv.
> So if multipath is down, how umountiscsi is capable to unmount lvm volume?
> My server hangs forever when is rebooting or shutting down. With sys+rq W
> debian said to me there is a process lvchange who is blocked. I can read
> in redhat issue tracker [1] about similar bug in redhat systems.
> Is it possible to "full" support lvm inside iscsi luns ?
> Any help is apreciatte.
> Thank you.
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=212265
> Debian Rocks!

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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