On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 06:03:12PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> If not, there is not much advantage to move them under /usr/lib as it is done
> now. Most other parts for packaged web sites are already in
> /usr/share/<package>. For simple sites, having the CGIs in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
> makes the maintainer's task simpler as he does not have to write webserver
> csonfiguration files, but for more complex packages, it sometimes makes the 
> task
> harder, for instance when the CGI scripts need to be patched because relative
> links are broken by the move. 
> There were discussions along those lines on debian-devel a couple of monthes
> ago. I suggest to seriously consider to drop the requirement to separate the
> CGI scripts from the other files of the packaged websites.

i don't think there's any *requirement*, as this is all in "should"
statements.  in isolation from outside context i think the change russ
describes makes sense, but generally speaking i think the web-related
suggestions in policy are very dated and much of it ought to be phased
out in deference to the webapps policy (or the webapps policy phased in)


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