On 06/15/2010 10:30 AM, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 08:16:51AM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
>> Wouter, you seem to be offering assistance in getting access to a build
>> directory (meaning to a live buildd itself?  or something else?)  -- can
>> i take you up on that?  I'm not sure what my next steps should be otherwise.
> I can tar up the build directory as it results on the buildd. It
> requires some setup and for me to retry the build, but that should not
> be too hard. If you think that might help, I can put it up on another
> host in my home directory or some such.

I'm game to try it out, though i suspect it has more to do with resource
limits on the buildd's in question (which presumably wouldn't be
transmitted in such a tarball).  But it'd be worth trying, even if it
only ends up ruling things out.

Let me know when the tarball is available, Wouter.


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