severity 585850 wishlist
tags 585850 wontfix

On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:34:17 +0200
Maik Zumstrull <> wrote:

> Package: claws-mail
> Version: 3.7.6-1
> Severity: normal
> I have moved the queue folder to a local Maildir while creating the 
> account because I don't want it on the IMAP server. I have verified that 
> this setting "took", it actually uses the local Maildir, not the Queue 
> folder on the Server.
> Yet, Claws Mail aggressively insisits that Queue exist on IMAP. I 
> cannot manually set that folder to a type other than Queue. I cannot 
> delete that folder from within Claws Mail. If I delete it on the server 
> and rebuild the folder tree, Claws Mail just recreates it.
> Again, and I want to stress that: this folder *is not used*.
> And Claws Mail *knows that*.
> I recommend the following changes:
> 1) Check if the Queue folder would be used before creating it
> 2) Allow a Queue folder to be deleted if it is not used

  This is basically the same as bug #452895 but from the other point of
  view. There's no aggression intended, just that the mailboxes are that
  way, and that includes the queue folder, used or not.

  As they're slightly different I won't merge the bugs, but I'm afraid
  that unless you can provide a good patch this won't be fixed. I'm
  downgrading it to wishlist too.

 Ricardo Mones
 «You will win success in whatever calling you adopt.»

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