tags 322610 patch


Thanks for the report. I'd appreciate if you would test the attached patch (against linux-2.6 2.6.12-2 source package) and see if it fixes the situation. If it does, I'll push it into the svn.

Best regards,

Jurij Smakov                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC
diff -aur a/debian/Makefile b/debian/Makefile
--- a/debian/Makefile   2005-08-11 22:02:40.000000000 -0400
+++ b/debian/Makefile   2005-08-11 22:52:03.000000000 -0400
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
        sed -e 's,@initrd_modules@,$(initrd_modules),'                  \
            -e 's,@append_subarch@,$(append),'                          \
            -e 's,@extra_postinstall_command@,$(extra_command),'        \
+           -e 's,@headers_dirs@,$(headers_dirs),'                      \
            templates/post-install.in > post-install-$(subarch)
 # Generates the kernel config file for a subarch by merging
diff -aur a/debian/arch/powerpc/Makefile.inc b/debian/arch/powerpc/Makefile.inc
--- a/debian/arch/powerpc/Makefile.inc  2005-08-11 22:02:40.000000000 -0400
+++ b/debian/arch/powerpc/Makefile.inc  2005-08-11 22:05:09.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Variables 
-headers_dirs = ppc | ppc64
+headers_dirs = ppc | ppc64 | m68k
 headers_subarch = powerpc
 build_subarch = powerpc
diff -aur a/debian/templates/post-install.in b/debian/templates/post-install.in
--- a/debian/templates/post-install.in  2005-08-11 22:02:40.000000000 -0400
+++ b/debian/templates/post-install.in  2005-08-12 02:14:37.000000000 -0400
@@ -78,6 +78,21 @@
        xargs ln -s --target-directory=$dir/include
 cp -a config $dir/include
 ln -sf asm-${arch} $dir/include/asm
+# Link in the additional header directories, 
+# specified in header_dirs 
+for i in asm-*
+  case ${i#asm-} in
+      generic | @headers_dirs@)
+        if [ ! -L $dir/include/${i} ]; then
+          ln -sf ../../linux-headers-$prefix/include/${i} $dir/include/${i}
+       fi
+       ;;
+      *)
+        ;;
+  esac
 find linux -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
        ! -name autoconf.h -a ! -name compile.h -a ! -name version.h \
        -printf "../../../linux-headers-$prefix/include/linux/%f\n" |

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