On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 17:50:32 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> >* Package name      : libmojolicious-perl
> Any news on above ITP?

The only thing I know:
It's in pkg-perl's svn repository with a note in debian/changelog
about missing work.
(And a newer upstream release is available.)
> During my packaging I notice that upstream use "Artistic-2" as
> license, which I believe is not DFSG-free.  

Hu? That's new to me.
And you shouldn't tell it all Artistic-2-only packages in the archive

> I notice Jonathan registered the ITP, but I guess it was on behalf
> of the Perl team.  Would it be ok that I release my packaging as
> official (when the licensing issue is hopefully solved)?

Or you could finish Jonathan's package ...

(I don't care either way, I just suggest to avoid duplicated work as
much as possible.)

> My
> packaging is on behalf of the Perl team, but one possible issue
> could be that I use CDBS which Jonathan might not favor.

In practice this means that hardly anybody will touch the package,
but that's nothing new and not the first package in this situation :)

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