hey Christoph,

On 27/06/2010 Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-06-27 at 02:01 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> > I don't dislike the bug, just the introduction "this is rather for the
> > records, than a real bug." But never mind, that's not important at all.
> Sorry for that :)
> See what I'm just editing at
> http://wiki.debian.org/AdvancedStartupShutdownWithMultilayeredBlockDevices

great, let's see what others think. unfortunately i'll be very busy in
summer, and won't have much time to participate in this discussion. i'll
however try to follow it, and comment when i find time.

> > agreed, but only for cryptdisks-early. 'cryptdisks stop' is invoked
> > at first in shutdown process, and it's intended to allow dm-crypt
> > devices to be busy, for example if they contain lvm volumes.
> Guess that's ok,.. but OTOH,.. it should not harm to print a "failed"
> then either.... because the user then better sees that there might be
> sth. wrong.

as both cryptdisks init script run in the boot/halt process, users
already see the warnings:

boot process:

cryptdisks-early start -> silent
cryptdisks start       -> prints warnings

shutdown process:

cryptdisks stop        -> silent
cryptdisks-early stop  -> prints warnings

> > I just  tried to implement this in svn trunk. Would be great if you
> > could test it.
> I'll put this email on my todo list and check ASAP :)

that would be great. i tested it on my system, and it seems to work.
will test it on some kvm setups before uploading, but more testers are
always welcome, so your report would be much appreciated, before I
upload the new package (which I inted to do within the next three days).


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