Excerpts from Andreas Tille's message of Mon Jun 28 09:20:04 +0200 2010:
> > education-desktop-sugar is a pure meta package, so removing it shouldn't 
> > affect usage of Sugar with thin clients.
> What is the problem in having pure metapackages?

The problem with this package is that it misleads users into installing
it and turning their system into something that works differently (LTSP)
from what they expect (a regular desktop). See the original bug

=== Begin ===
Please remove education-desktop-sugar from sid/squeeze. It depends on
obsolete package names and confuses users.
The description suggests this is what to install to get a complete Sugar
installation on a desktop, whereas it will actually install the Debian
Edu suite (+ Sugar). One user even reported it "will hose your boot" (the
system hung part-way through the boot process - unfortunately no more
details are available as he was in a hurry and overwrote the installation
with Fedora afterwards in order to get a working Sugar installation).
=== End ===

If someone cares about this package enough to maintain it, changing the
description (to point out that it's LTSP + Sugar, not Sugar on a desktop)
and updating the dependencies should be enough. But without an active
maintainer removing the package is the best option and should be done



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