Hi Paul,

Le mardi 15 juin 2010 05:39:37, Paul Wise a écrit :
> My workmate wanted to install red5 on our Debian server to test some
> things. Unfortunately the red5 package doesn't include a whole bunch of
> stuff so he had to purge it and slurp the upstream tarball down. The
> main issue was that the /installer and /demos URLs on the web interface
> on port 5080 did not work.

JFTR, /installer and /demos webapps are for demonstration purpose only and 
should never be installed on a public red5 server (no security at all in those 

Furthermore, they contains many non-free stuffs :
- binary-only *.swf (Flash Player) files (no source provided in tarball and no 
free compiler exist for Flex sources files - .as and .mxml)
- movies trailers like Avatar / Toy Story 3

> Please install documentation at /installer
> saying why these files were removed and how to get them working again,
> with a list of commands to run. Please also document the removals in
> orig-tar.exclude so it is obvious to people who download the source
> package why stuff is removed. Stuff like this is one thing that leads
> people to avoid existing Debian packages for web-related stuff.

I understand your point and I'll work on providing some documentation on that 


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