* Krzysztof Sobolewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Eric Dorland napisa?(a):
> >>With the middle mouse button, click the "search" button on e.g.,
> >>http://lists.debian.org/search.html
> >>
> >>Well, whatever happens, it certainly isn't what one expects: no POST
> >>request is sent and one cannot see the results in another tab.
> >
> >A little weird, it seems to just reload the page. Not really a big
> >deal though. 
> The middle button in Firefox pastes the contents of X clipbord to the 
> address bar. So if you have the original page's address in clipborad, it 
> will be pasted and thus reloaded. If you put something else into the 
> clipboard, you'll probably get another page or "address invalid" error 
> message :)

Ahh, yes, I see.

> I find this behavior a bug actually because I have Firefox configured to 
> "auto-scroll" (or whatever it's called in English - I already forgot...) 
> and it doesn't work, becuase middle click takes me to enother page instead. 
> The same happens when I middle-click on a tab (it should close this tab as 
> happens in Windows version).

I never claimed it was not a bug, but since it only happens with a
button is under the cursor, it's pretty minor. 

Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: #61138586, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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