On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 12:58:32PM +0200, Yuri D'Elia wrote:
> On Wed, 26 May 2010 21:35:17 +0200
> Ricardo Mones <mo...@debian.org> wrote:
> > > claws sometimes mixes the contents of different folders.
> > > This happens under the following conditions:
> > > 
> > > - you have two or more IMAP folders
> > 
> >   Of same account? different accounts?
> I would like to add even more informations.
> This bug struck me again several times since the last update, with
> usually one or two messages being swapped, but today I got a new
> variation.
> Upon switching the selected folder "A" to another folder "B", in the
> same account, claws downloaded the entire contents of "A" into
> "B" (I'm sure, since the download took several seconds and the
> progress bar was running). Looking through .claws-mail/imapcache/, it
> seems that the disk contents reflect what I see on the screen (files
> indeed contain stuff from folder "A").
> Switching the selected folder from "B" to "A" and to "B" again made
> claws re-download the *real* contents of folder "B".
> This time, folder "A" contained 250 messages, folder "B" 11 messages
> only, so, both pretty small in size.
> Server is running dovecot 1.2.12 via imaps.
> I also experienced the same issue with an Exchange 2003 server
> (always using imaps).
> I'm afraid I'll stop using claws immediately, since this bug is too
> serious for me.

  Well, that surely won't help solving it, but I understand your concerns.
  Anyway I'll forward this upstream, as I think there's nothing specific to
  Debian here.

  Ricardo Mones 
  The three principal virtues of a programmer are Laziness, 
  Impatience, and Hubris.                                    man perl

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