On 01.08.2010 19:32, Josef Spillner wrote:
> Apparently, avahi  (0.6.27-1) has introduced this issue by an incomplete 
> check 
> of reverse dependencies in Debian:
>      Development of the original Howl implementation has been discontinued and
>      there are no more reverse dependencies in the Debian archive since lenny.
> Nevertheless, I understand the reason to drop Howl and will update the 
> packaging metadata accordingly in the pkg-ggz SVN.

Sorry, it seems I missed that indeed.
Probably because I checked for binary dependencies only, so the build dep
slipped through. I double-checked now, and thankfully ggz-kde-client is the only
package affected by this.

As Josef agreed to update the package, I will keep the Howl compat package 

Cheers and sorry again for the inconvenience,


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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