Hi Martin,

On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 09:58:04PM +0200, Martin Kr wrote:
> I certainly don't mind the comment. As I said it was the first time I
> tried to translate someting like that. It is somewhat difficult to find
> the right style. I guess it takes some practice.
> And for that reason I am really thankfull for your feedback because I have
> no one to proof read this stuff. Tomorrow I will work through your
> suggestions and post a reworked version if you don't mind.

> But I do have one question.: Is the bug-system the right place to post
> several versions of the .po file? (I think I will need more than one more
> try to get it into acceptable form.) Or should I post it to a mailinglist
> of some sort? (Or even mail them to you in private if you are interested
> and willig to do the proof reading?)
> Secondly: Is there some sort of guideline for translations into German?
> Since Mr. Schäfer mentioned the "sie/Sie" case I am wondering if debconf
> is considered a letter or not. (Don't get me wrong. Ether way is fine. But
> I can't tell because I do the installation in english and set the language
> on a per account basis.)

Yes, as Peter points out these are questions best addressed through the
debian-l10n-german list, which I had already considered directing you
towards. :)  I don't see much activity there currently related to debconf
translations, but I'm sure they'll be happy to help you with proofreading
and discussing translation guidelines.

I'll wait to apply the de.po to the samba package until I hear back from you
that you have a version that you're satisfied is correct.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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