Package: tcsh
Version: 6.17.02-1
Severity: important

Hi Lucas,

Removing the patch 12_unknown_lscolors.patch as you did in 6.17.02-1 makes tcsh
segfault when LS_COLORS was set by coreutils's dircolors, which is the default
on many Debian accounts. It also breaks building on standard sbuild chroots
(although I suppose that the buildds have a more sanitized environment).

I think that it would at least desserve some notice to warn the users that they
will either have to interrupt their work to unset LS_COLORS in their scripts or
environment, or revert the package upgrade.

Alternatively, it could be taken as a quite serious bug on tcsh or coreutils:
if multiple programs use the same environment variable, isn't it be expected
that they will accept the same values, at least without crashing ?

Bon week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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