
Sorry to get back to you late.
I am wishing to replace these flash files
by more generic solution such as JavaScript and/or HTML5
at some future MT5 milestone.
But I believe that we are looking for the immediate solution for MT4.3x.

It is difficult to simply remove these files
since it is tighten to the core functionality.
I know one MT4 plugin which will disable the Blog Stats function.
( originally it was developed for the performance reason )
I am not sure whether the plugin will also allow us
to remove the flash files.
It can be a solution, but then we have to create
some kind of a dedicated package for the distribution.

In any ways, we need more time and
probably need a future release to replace the functionality itself.

Jun Kaneko

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Dominic Hargreaves <> wrote:
> [CCing original bug submitter]
> On Mon, Aug 09, 2010 at 06:34:04PM +0900, Jun Kaneko wrote:
>> The flash is based on Measure Map
>> and it's been licensed under CC2.0 Generic.
> Unfortunately, this licence has been deemed non-DFSG-free:
> so I don't think we can leave things as they are in Debian main, even
> if we could get the correct version of the source code.
> I'm not sure what the best way to move forward on this, to avoid
> having to remove MT from Debian main.
> Does anyone have a feel for how easy it would be to remove the
> flash without affecting the rest of the functionality of the
> application? To be honest I don't have much time or energy to devote
> to this so if there is consensus in Debian that the current situation
> can't stand, removal, or at least moving to non-free is inevitable.
> Dominic.
> --
> Dominic Hargreaves |
> PGP key 5178E2A5 from (keyserver,web,email)
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