Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
X-Debbugs-CC: Jan Hauke Rahm <>
Usertags: proposed-orphan
(I'm essentially reopening Bug#575238, which has been archived.)
I've been the maintainer of the xtoolwait package for a number of years,
but I am not a Debian Developer, so it's been difficult to get my changes
uploaded in a timely manner.
xtoolwait is a small package that's fairly easy to maintain (from a
technical standpoint) but I've given up trying to navigate Debian's
bureaucracy to actually get it uploaded. I could probably do it if I put
in a lot more effort, but considering xtoolwait's insignificance, it's not
worth it to me.
I have now moved on to other things, so I'm orphaning this package.
- Dwayne
P.S. I posted an RFS to debian-mentors back in March, which included
bugfixes for #485727 and #515444, but nobody replied:
Dwayne C. Litzenberger <>
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