Severity: wishlist

More transitional packages as we work on sorting out the NVIDIA package
naming to be more obvious and straightforward and to avoid package
misnamings or renamings for future releases.  Apologies for the churn.

libnvidia-compiler is not a shared library, but rather a plugin, so
shouldn't have an SONAME in the package name.  nvidia-glx-dev is being
renamed to libgl1-nvidia-dev to match the libGL namings elsewhere in
Debian.  nvidia-libvdpau1 is no longer necessary since there's a free
version (libvdpau1) in the archive and now transitions people to that.

libnvidia-compiler1-ia32_195.36.31-2_amd64.deb: package says section is 
non-free/oldlibs, override says non-free/libs.
libnvidia-compiler1_195.36.31-2_amd64.deb: package says section is 
non-free/oldlibs, override says non-free/libs.
nvidia-glx-dev_195.36.31-2_amd64.deb: package says section is non-free/oldlibs, 
override says non-free/x11.
nvidia-libvdpau1-ia32_195.36.31-2_amd64.deb: package says section is 
non-free/oldlibs, override says non-free/libs.

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