On Wed, 25 Aug 2010, Christine Spang wrote:
> SD has Vcs-git and Vcs-Browser fields in the control file in
> the package's collab-maint Debian git repository, so this is
> fixed on the next upload. 
good -- that would be sufficient  to close the bugreport

> These are for the Debian package
> and not the upstream repository, though---I wonder, do they
> actually solve the problem that you're bringing up? What
> exactly do you want?
if you recall -- this bugreport was filed during debconf10... during
your presentation... for live demonstration of sd/debbugs integration

but on a sidenote -- since upstream is also under git, consider in
future for your debian packaging just rely not on 'source distribution
tarballs' but on upstream git repository.  That might provide few

* coherent single git repository, so "Debian package" repository would
  simply contain upstream repository as well (instead of imported

* as a "side effect" you would be resistant to possible upstream's
  faults in generating "source distribution" tarball ( if it is not as
  simple as the output of git archive)

* easy cherry-picking of necessary commits for fixes


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