On mar., 2010-08-31 at 10:36 -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
> > /etc/xdg/autostart/evolution-alarm-notify.desktop has:
> >
> > OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;
> >
> > so it won't start on other DE. If you remove that line, does it work?
> > (in fact it'd be better to add it to your .local/etc/xdg/autostart).
> I removed the line from global
> /etc/xdg/autostart/evolution-alarm-notify.desktop, and then closed
> evolution and started it again.  But unfortunately
> evolution-alarm-notify didn't get started automatically.  So just
> removing that line didn't work out, :-(
Well, I think you don't have an XDG-compliant desktop environment. Fwiw,
under Xfce xfce4-session runs the autostart programs, under GNOME I
guess it's gnome-session and something similar should exist for KDE. Not
sure about LXDE (lxsession) and other environments.

Your best chance is to configure your system to start it automatically.


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