Marvin Renich wrote:
> Package: xen-utils-common
> Version: 4.0.0-1
> Severity: normal
> This is an offshoot of Bug#588888, but is really a separate issue.
> It appears that with hvmloader, the disk device names presented to the
> vm must by from a specific set that hvmloader knows how to emulate.
> Names like hd[a-c] and sd[a-c] work, but sr0 does not.  While this makes
> sense, when you think about what hvmloader is doing, it is not obvious.
> So, the cdrom must be named hdc (sdc might also work; I haven't tried
> it).
> Second, for some phy: names (on the host side) you must use the full
> /dev/xxxx, while for others, you can omit the /dev/.  I have not figured
> out what the rules are.
> The following works (the vm boots from the cd in the physical drive):
> disk = [ 'phy:mapper/sparks1-xen1,sda,w',
>       'phy:/dev/sr0,hdc:cdrom,r' ]
> Both sda and hdc show up in the vm, and sda has the correct contents,
> even though its phy: does _not_ include /dev/.
> But this does not (note the missing /dev/ for hdc):
> disk = [ 'phy:mapper/sparks1-xen1,sda,w',
>       'phy:sr0,hdc:cdrom,r' ]
> And this does not (note sr0 insted of hdc):
> disk = [ 'phy:mapper/sparks1-xen1,sda,w',
>       'phy:/dev/sr0,sr0:cdrom,r' ]
> ...Marvin

Hi Marvin,

I have attached my config file, for which I have received comments from
people from Citrix. Would that be ok if I just add this as an example
config file?

Feel free to comment on it as well, or to send me a corrected version,
so that we have a good example shipped with the package...


P.S: I'll upload a new version to SID only after the current one is
migrated to Squeeze anyway.
kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
builder = 'hvm'
memory = 512
name = "hvm-vm-config-example"
cpus = "1"

# Setting these to zero didn't work at all for me

# model= can also use rtl8139 or ne2k_pci
# set the MAC address to something not in your LAN yet...
vif = [ 'type=ioemu, mac=00:00:20:12:34:56, model=e1000, bridge=eth0' ]

# Best is to use hda for your HDD, and hdc for your CDROM

# This asks to bind VNC to port 5900 + 21 (eg: 5921) with password XXXX
# This is good for a server setup.
vfb = ["type=vnc,vncdisplay=21,vncpasswd=XXXX"]
# If you are running on your desktop, then you might want to use
# the video in an SDL window
#vfb = ["type=sdl"]


# c for hdd, d for cdrom

# ac97 is the most optimized sound board model.

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