Package: psad
Version: 2.1.3-1.1


I have configured psad to block all traffic from IPs
using iptables (i.e. ENABLE_AUTO_IDS set to Y), when
a danger level reaches a value of 1 or higher
(AUTO_IDS_DANGER_LEVEL set to 1). This means
that when 5 packets are logged by iptables from
some IP, the IP is blocked - even if only 1 port
is scanned (PORT_RANGE_SCAN_THRESHHOLD set to 0).

This means I changed the three following variables
in the default configuration file /etc/psad/psad.conf.

ENABLE_AUTO_IDS             Y;


After that, I set my firewall rules in a better way.
I accepted all packets I wanted and dropped all usual
traffic that occured on my network before logging it.
I didn't want to block machines with usual (even if
useless for my machine) traffic. I wanted to log
and potentially block only unusual traffic.
After logging, I dropped everything.

However, even if my machine logged and blocked ICMP
packets of type 3 and code 3 (port unreachable)
as I can see in /var/log/messages, psad logs
show something different. They show that UDP packets
were observed instead of the ICMP ones!!!

I suppose the reason is that the ICMP packets contain
also the beginning of the UDP packets!!!

Let's look on the following scenario that I observed
on my machine:

/var/log/messages contain following lines (6, they are similar):

Sep  8 18:04:26 baxic kernel: [28241.572876] IN_DROP IN=wlan0
OUT= MAC=00:1a:9f:91:df:ae:00:21:27:e8:0a:a0:08:00
SRC= DST= LEN=96 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=254
[SRC= DST= LEN=68 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=0
ID=22458 PROTO=UDP SPT=35080 DPT=33434 LEN=48 ]

After psad found out a new scan occured, it blocked the machine (router), but it's statistics show that UDP traffic
was blocked instead of the ICMP one.

Let's look at the file /var/log/psad/
for instance:

> cd /var/log/psad/
> cat
INPUT_wlan0_udp:  6 [33434-33439]

All other psad files that contain protocol statistics show
the same problem.

This means that psad identified the IPs correctly and blocked, but the protocol info was found out incorrectly
by psad, most probably because the ICMP packet itself (and
it's log too) contained also the UDP headers.



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