On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 00:26:24 +0200, Mathieu Parent wrote:

> Please unblock package kolabd
> The main and only reason for this new version is to fix a bug
> introduced by the move of slapd to runtime configuration (aka
> cn=config, aka slapd.d). The fix includes a hack which is
> against policy to revert a similar "against policy" change from
> slapd postinst. Without this fix, kolab requires manual
> intervention to work.
> The diff can be seen at 
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kolab/?op=comp&compare[]=...@1510&compare[]=...@1511
> The move back to static slapd config is done only if kolab
> manages slapd.conf.
> unblock kolabd/2.2.4-20100624-2
I'm not unblocking this unless the openldap maintainers tell me it's ok.


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