> Hi,
> (no need to cc: my, I'm still subscribed to the PTS :)
> On Samstag, 18. September 2010, Thomas Lange wrote:
> > What do you expect instead?
> That the package is removed. 
> The logic being: as "install" is the default action, "remove" should have a 
> higher "priority" and be whats happens.
> > For me this is a not easy to solve situation. Both actions can be
> > interpreted as the desired, but software can't decide this on the
> > information you've specified.
> > An additional problem is, that install_packages does not take the
> > order of classes into account, which worked so far for everybody.
> That would still not be needed. Just "if a package is both listed to be 
> installed and removed, remove it".
> The reason is that I have quite a few classes which have some exceptions, 
> like 
> a class REALHW for systems running on real hardware. Usually those systems 
> needs smartmontools, but some don't as they dont have discs. 

I do have such situations as well, and do resolve them as follows:

PACKAGES install

PACKAGES install

That seems to work fine, i.e., X- dominates X, although I couldn't really figure
out from the code of install_packages why this works the way it does :-) But if
I remember it correctly, that was implemented around the first FAI workshop (and
it is a very useful feature indeed :-) - hmm, does that contradict my previous


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