On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 12:08:34AM +0200, starenka wrote:
> I have to kill like 40-900 process every couple hours. These make my machine
> almost inresponsive
> starenka 24469  0.0  0.3  73492  9644 ?        S    01:36   0:00 kdeinit4:
> kio_http [kdeinit] https local:/tmp/ksocket-starenka/klaunchernS2778.slave-
> socket local:/tmp/ksocket-starenka/choqokG16596.slave-socket

I've seen this happen before, but rarely.  I normally leave choqok
running for days at a time and don't have this problem.

I believe that when I've seen this happen there has been some kind of
correlation with failed attempts to authenticate to some service
(identi.ca or twitter).  Are you fully and successfully authenticated to
all your services?


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