Sven Hoexter wrote (Friday 24 September 2010):
> In theory the reconfigure script should store its values in
> ~/.lyx/lyxrc.defaults
> Could you please check the differences there for the cases when it works
> and doesn't work?

I've attached the file. I've checked, and it's identical before I run 
Reconfigure (PDF export options not available) and after I run Reconfigure (PDF 
export options now available). It also does seem to have some entries for 
export to PDF.

I've also attached my preferences file, because it also contains some settings 
for viewing PDFs. Possible relevant, I'm not sure.

> Honestly, I've currently no good idea what could be wrong. Can I assume
> that your $HOME is on a real local filesystem and you're not running some
> strange syncronisation tool that maybe detects a modification and syncs
> back an old version or something similar weird?

You can assume that, yes. My home is on the local FS, and I'm not doing 
anything that would be overwriting the files. Just bog-standard local ext3, 
that's all. The modification time of lyxrc.defaults updates when I run 
reconfigure, as you would expect, so it is saving the file. But the contents 
don't change.

# This file has been automatically generated by LyX' lib/
# script. It contains default settings that have been determined by
# examining your system. PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING HERE! If you
# want to customize LyX, use LyX' Preferences dialog or modify directly 
# the "preferences" file instead. Any setting in that file will
# override the values given here.
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