
On Tue, 5 Oct 2010 16:31:41 +0200
Simon Paillard <spaill...@debian.org> wrote:

> Both volatile and backports don't use ftpsync while they should
> (missing local trace file), just name them ftpsync-volatile.conf and
> ftpsync-backports.conf.
> We can push volatile from kassia (same key as the standard archive),
> and backports from syncproxy3.eu.debian.org (key at
> http://people.debian.org/~spaillard/id_rsa_syncproxy3.eu.pub).

This is now done. I've copied the ftpsync.conf for the standard archive
to ftpsync-volatile.conf and ftpsync-backports.conf, editing as
appropriate. Hopefully it should pick everything up with the next push.

> By the whay, could you please set MIRRORNAME to debian.heanet.ie ?

Do I need to submit a new mirror update request to do this or can it be
changed somewhere else?


Rob Gallagher | Public Key: 0x1DD13A78

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