Jonathan Nieder dixit:

>Justification: posix [1]
>It is handy to be able to use the old exit status from an EXIT handler
>by using bare "exit":
> $ sh -c 'trap "echo hi; exit" EXIT; exit 9'; echo $?
> hi
> 9


(Note that this would work
        trap 'x=$?; echo hi; exit $?' EXIT

Question to Austin ML:


     The exit status shall be n, if specified. Otherwise, the value shall
     be  the  exit  value  of  the  last  command executed, or zero if no
     command  was  executed.  When  [281]exit  is executed in a [282]trap
     action,  the  last  command  is  considered  to  be the command that
     executed immediately preceding the [283]trap action.

I think the wording is ambiguous. As I read mksh’s manual page (not the
standard but existing practice) the exit status in Jonathan’s trap is
the one of the preceding echo even though it’s in a trap, because that
echo is run inside the trap, (and here’s the ambiguity in the wording)
which will overwrite the errorlevel ($? value, to you non-DOS people ☺)
from the trap entry but can be preserved kind of like errno in C.



     The  value  of  the  special  parameter  '?'  shall  be set to n, an
     unsigned  decimal integer, or to the exit status of the last command
     executed  if  n  is not specified. If the value of n is greater than
     255,  the  results  are undefined. When [319]return is executed in a
     [320]trap  action,  the last command is considered to be the command
     that executed immediately preceding the [321]trap action.

Care to comment? I’m thinking I won’t change the code, but then, it’s
past midnight again…

Thanks in advance,
Sometimes they [people] care too much: pretty printers [and syntax highligh-
ting, d.A.] mechanically produce pretty output that accentuates irrelevant
detail in the program, which is as sensible as putting all the prepositions
in English text in bold font.   -- Rob Pike in "Notes on Programming in C"

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