Package: dovecot
Version: 1:1.2.13-1
Severity: grave

On Oct, 1 Timo released version 1.2.15 to correct two bugs in the ACL evaluation logic:

        * acl: Fixed the logic of merging multiple ACL entries. Now it works as
          documented, while previously it could have done slightly different
          things depending on the order of the entries.

        * acl: Don't give admin rights to all owner mailboxes. This was
          originally done to make sure that mailbox owner couldn't accidentally
          remove their own admin rights. But this is already prevented by
          SETACL command, so it's not necessary. Also sysadmin may have
          intentionally removed some admin rights from some mailboxes
          (especially when using symlinked shared mailboxes).

I think this is a important security fix, because without it a user can gain access to other mailboxes or, worst, admin rights an shared mailboxes. It would be a Good Thing(TM) to have version 1.2.15 in Squeeze.

You can find the release notes here:

and details on the ACL bug here:

Best regards.

             Paolo Miotto

Paolo Miotto
Centro Servizi Informatici e Telematici
Università di Udine

SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - CSIT -Universita' di Udine

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