On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 21:22 +0200, Leo 'costela' Antunes wrote:
> Hi,
> On 02/10/10 21:13, Kurt Pruenner wrote:
> > Applying the change in changeset 11111[1] to the 2.03 debian package
> > fixes that (a single missing '/', aka transmission bug 3467[2]), so at
> > least that change should probably get added to the version that's going
> > to be released with Squeeze, be it 2.03 or 2.04, as I doubt any program
> > using bt's RPC interface will code around a bug that existed for only a
> > couple of days...
> You're absolutely right. I'm unfortunately a bit swamped at the moment
> and still didn't manage to work on transmission this week. Will try to
> do it tomorrow though.
> Thanks a lot for the pointers!
> Cheers


If you are still having tough time outside of the Debian could you
publish what you have done somewhere? I'm aware that changes in 2.10
were a little more complicated then previously and it's going to take
some more work than usual, but as I have to update 2.10 for Ubuntu at
some point I could as well update both Ubuntu and Debian packages at the
same time, attach the changes and wait for an ACK from you (I prefer not
to diverge Ubuntu packaging too much).


Krzysztof Klimonda <kklimo...@syntaxhighlighted.com>

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