> Hello!  I'm the maintainer of Deja Dup.  It looks from your log like
> Deja Dup is not actually configured to include your home directory in
> the backup (or at least, it doesn't think it is).  That's why the
> backup was so small.
> Can you provide the output of the following command?
> gconftool-2 --dump /apps/deja-dup

Please see attached file: "gconftool message.txt"

> And when you go to Deja Dup's preferences, do you see "Home Folder"
> listed in the Include section?

Yes, "Home Folder" was listed in the Include section in Deja Dup's

> -mt

  <entrylist base="/apps/deja-dup">
        <list type="string">
        <list type="string">
        <string>. GThemedIcon drive-harddisk-ata drive-harddisk drive</string>
        <string>500 GB 硬碟: 250 GB 檔案系統</string>
        <string>/media/backup/Deja Dup backups</string>
        <string>Deja Dup backups</string>
        <string>250 GB 檔案系統</string>

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