Hi Torquil,

First I apologize for not having handled your bug-report sooner.

Torquil Macdonald Sørensen a écrit , Le 06/08/2010 14:37:
> Package: nted
> Version: 1.10.7-1
> Severity: normal
> Hi!
> I imported a MIDI file into NTED. It's Brahms's Violin Concerto that can be
> downloaded for free from www.classicalarchives.com. The MIDI import worked 
> with
> default import settings.
> Then I proceeded to delete staves, since I only want the solo violin staff.
> I started from the top and deleted the flute staff by right-clicking on the
> word "flute" to the left, and selected "Delete" in the bottom right-hand 
> corner
> of the dialog window that appears. So far so good.
> But after having deleted a few staves, the notes on the remaining staves were
> drawn to far to the left, overlapping the name and beginning of each staff.
> I still managed to right-click on a staff name in spite of all the surrounding
> notes, but then NTED crashed, leacing the following message on the terminal:
> Segmentation Fault

I've downloaded the brahms771.mid file and followed the path you've
described. It took me several tries before realizing that after deleting
9 staves, the Staff dialog windows has a "Delete System" button added
right after the "Delete Staff" one.

The behavior you reported occurs only when selecting this "Delete
System" button. Not when selecting the "Delete Staff" one.

Proceeding this way I've successfully managed to isolate the violinsolo

So the questions are now:
* why does this "Delete System" button appear after deleting 9 staves?
* what is it supposed to do?

I'll try to set up a test case to forward it to upstream.



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