
On ketvirtadienis 21 Spalis 2010 00:11:05 Chanoch (Ken) Bloom wrote:
> This issue was current at the beginning of 2010, around the time Bug
> #567089 was filed and discussed. It's been fixed in the kernel since
> then. See http://lwn.net/Articles/322823/, and
> http://lwn.net/Articles/326471/
> Does it still affect the shipping Debian kernel?

ext3 is not a very big problem from my experience unless there is heavy I/O in 
the background. I use 2.6.35 kernel.

> The problem here was "data=ordered". ext3 also suffered from this
> problem, since its default was "data=ordered".
> In brief, ONE fsync() call cost about as much as ONE sync() call.
> The solution was "don't use data=ordered" (and Linus patched the
> kernel to change the default) then fsync() will be suitably faster.

ext4 and especially btrfs take a huge (in 10x-60x range) performance hit due 
to those repetitive fsync() or sync() calls. But since dpkg keeps calling 
sync(), performance suffers even if dpkg is not writing to ext4/btrfs file 
system directly.

My benchmarks are here:


Modestas Vainius <modes...@vainius.eu>

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