
On penktadienis 22 Spalis 2010 18:53:42 Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
> On 10/10/2010 14:38, Modestas Vainius wrote:
> > Package: release.debian.org Severity: normal User:
> > release.debian....@packages.debian.org Usertags: freeze-exception
> > 
> > Please unblock package qimageblitz
> > 
> > Well, frankly there is nothing release important about this update.
> > Regardless if you unblock this package or not, just close this report
> > and I won't bother you again about this topic. But nevertheless it
> > would be great to have 1:0.0.6-2 in squeeze because:
> I understand your arguments and would have accepted this set of changes
> during the soft freeze. It just seems late for that now. Besides, the
> package doesn't fix any RC issue. So… it will stay in unstable for the
> moment I'm afraid.

No problem.

Modestas Vainius <modes...@vainius.eu>

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