Hallo Christian,
On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 07:26:47AM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> I suspect Joss has something else to coordinate for gconf, which
> delays the upload.

Yes, it was simply miscommunication. Probably his reply to me got
lost. In the meantime he answered, stating that he works on an upload
for Squeeze, including this translation.

> An NMU wouldn't be a good idea as it is very likely to interfere with
> Josselin plans for GNOME-related packages.

No, please don't. I'm now rather confident that the translation will
go into Squeeze, it was just incomplete communication.

> Let's just wait and be confident in Joss' care to do things properly.

Yes, most definitly.

Thanks for taking care.



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