Package: crunchyfrog
Version: 0.4.1-1
Severity: minor

The description for the current package reads:

CrunchyFrog is a cross-plattform database client. It provides a SQL
editor and schema browser and connectors to various database servers
(PostreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, SQLServer, Firebird, Informix, MaxDB)

Three minor details:

(1) Mis-spelling of platform
(2) No g in Postgres.
(2) , , ,
(3) SQL when pronounced starts with a vowel, so it should be "an SQL".

Fixed string:

CrunchyFrog is a cross-platform database client. It provides an SQL
editor and schema browser and connectors to various database servers
(PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, SQLServer, Firebird, Informix and


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