Package: sendmail
Version: 8.13.4-3


i don't know if this list is right.
If not pls. drop my a mail.


No mail leaving box after an aptitude upgrade

# netstat -tulpen
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
  User       Inode      PID/Program name
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN
  0          5385889    6919/inetd

# /etc/init.d/sendmail start
Starting Mail Transport Agent: sendmailsendmail mta daemon not needed, not

That's (partly) ok, because it happens that this box runs a tool optuse smtpd
which happens to be installed in /usr/sbin/smtpd. ("local" or "opt" might
have been more adwisable, but...)

The problem:

The sendmail IS configured and expected to do local delivery and 
has to listen on port 127.0.0:587 (submission).
That was configured with:

boxk:~# grep 127.0.0 /etc/mail/
dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Name=MSA,Port=submission,Addr=,M=E')dnl

As long as sendmail was started manually all went well.

Now, after an update, the /etc/init.d/sendmail was changed so
nothing listens at submission anymore...

So it happens tht the mail quue became so large, that just
to read in the directory takes 30 minutes!
But sendmail-que was started even 20 min!
#grep send /etc/cron.d/sendmail
# Every so often, give sendmail a chance to run the MSP queues.
*/20 *    *    *    *          smmsp   test -x /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail
&& /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp
# Every so often, give sendmail a chance to run the MTA queues.
*/10 *    *    *    *           root    test -x /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail
&& /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-mta

That leads to a high load because finally 10 or more sendmail-que 
were running, stealing each others CPU cycles and causing to swap.

Increasing the time intervall or using a bigger box is no solution,
because there are only "spam hours" which generates such a lot
of mails and the box is "normally" absoletely sufficient.


a) Why is there no "already running" block in sendmail msp?

b) Why is the setup not aware of a local delivery submission only sendmail?
   (That might be a problem of our setup, but how to work arround?)

c) Why is the existence of a file sufficient to decide if a special
   package is installed or not?

# Determine how to run sendmail mta daemon
#       * No daemon
#       * As listener
#       * As queue runner
#       * As both listener and queue runner

        # Support for coexistance with smtpd package

        elif [ -x $SMTPD ]; then
                echo 'sendmail mta daemon not needed, not started.';
                exit 0;


aptitude search smtpd
p   smtpd                                                - Mail proxy for 
firewalls with anti-spam and anti-relay feature

That one is NOT installed.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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