severity 324772 minor

On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 11:35:56PM +0100, Mark Hymers wrote:
> Package: fam
> Severity: critical
> Justification: can break other packages (e.g. /usr/lib/
>  from kdelibs4c2)

> There seems to be an upgrade path bug in libfam at the moment linked
> to the C++ transition.  A summary is this:

> Old version: libfam0 (pre c102 transition)
>  -> Newer version: libfam0c102 which Provides: libfam0
>  -> Newest version (gcc4 transition) libfam0 which Conflicts: libfam0c102

> Unfortunately, this means that if you start with a sarge chroot,
> install the sarge version of kdelibs, then do an
> apt-get install -t sid kdelibs, apt doesn't need to upgrade libfam as
> there seems to be no shlibs requirements and libfam0c102 Provides
> libfam0.  Hence, you end up with (for example) libkdeprint linked
> directly against libstdc++6 and indirectly (through fam) against
> libstdc++5.

Please explain why you think this is a bug at all to allow this, let alone a
bug that warrants a release-critical severity.  Nothing in your bug report
indicates that anything has actually *broken* by allowing these packages to
be co-installed.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

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