Hi Jean-Benoit,

Op Mon 19 Apr 2010 om 06:01:23 +0200 schreef Jean-Benoit Marzio:
> Hi All,
> It looks the perl DBI table_info fail for some of us...
> Replace the lines in DlfStore.pm  (quoted code is original lines)
> sub dlf_streams {
>     my $self = $_[0];
>     my @streams = ();
> #     my $sth = $self->{'_dbh'}->table_info( "", "", "dlf_%", "TABLE" );
> #     $sth->execute();
> #     while ( my $table_info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
> #         next unless $table_info->{'TABLE_NAME'} =~ /^dlf_(.*)/;
> #         next if $table_info->{'TABLE_NAME'} =~ /_links$/;
> #         push @streams, $1;
> #     }
> #     $sth->finish();
> # JB : table_info seems to fail
>     my @table_list = $self->{'_dbh'}->tables;
>     foreach my $table ( @table_list) {
>         next unless $table =~ /dlf_(.*)"/;
>         next if $table =~ /_links$/;
>          push @streams, $1;
>         }
>     return @streams;
> }
> I do not know why previous code don't work, nor where is the update that
> breaks (in SQLite3 or perl DBI ?). But now I've got my reports again...
> Regards,

Thanks for sharing this workaround.  It sure is helpful for lots
of people.  I'm forwarding it to http://bugs.debian.org/569248 .



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