On 12/08/2010 04:24 PM, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> ----- Forwarded message from Steffen Ullrich via RT 
> <bug-io-socket-...@rt.cpan.org> -----
> it's not that simple:
> - usually SSL_verify_callback is used together with a valid CA file or
>   CA path, because one wants to let openssl pre-check the certificate
>   and only add additional checks (see SSL_set_verify openssl docs),
> - if SSL_verifycn_scheme is set there will be an implicite 
>   SSL_verify_callback which checks the name in the certificate
> Because the case, that somebody wants to check the certificate completly 
> by itself w/o having openssl check the certificate chain, is IMHO
> uncommon, I don't change the code for now.

Hrm.  i'm doing it with a tool i hope to release later this week,
actually [0], so while it might be uncommon, it does happen.

What do you suggest i do to make this work?  maybe i should do something

 ca_path => '/'


That seems pretty weird to me.  Can you recommend a better way that i
can fully disable these checks, or is this the best way?

> I think it is safer than risk to not doing certificate checks.

What do you think is the risk here?  If no trusted root authorities are
supplied (by either ca_path or ca_file), but a verify callback is
present, that verify callback will simply never see a preverify_ok
argument set to 1, right?  why is that dangerous?


[0] https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/2016

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