severity 607222 normal

On onsdagen den 15 december 2010, you stated the following:
> The prayer package in squeeze installs /var/log/prayer with group-owner
> "adm"
> The Config File sets as default the group of prayer to nogroup.
> So if you start prayer with check_directory_perms = TRUE, you will get
> an Error:
> Starting webmail server: prayerprayer PANICLOG:
>    Failed to open panic log file: "paniclog"
>    Error was: Dec 15 20:25:25 [1785] "/var/log/prayer" directory must be
> owned by user "prayer", group "nogroup" and not accessible by othe0rs
>   failed!
> Solution: install /var/log/prayer with group-owner "nogroup"

The idea is that nobody and nogroup should be completely unprivileged, and 
hence should not own _anything_. Many log files belong to group adm. 
check_directory_perms is probably a bit too picky as it doesn't even accept 
group root. I probably should just arrange for a group prayer to be created 
and the directories assigned to it, and if you want to set 
check_directory_perms=TRUE you should probably do that too for now.

Magnus Holmgren
Debian Developer 

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