Package:  installation-reports
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TITLE: No boot from Sil 3114 + SATA drive on Debian squeeze di beta2
i386 20101209 New install.
My filename: 

Date: 10 December 2010.
Boot method: DVD install.
Image version: Full URL to image downloaded. Only the first DVD 1 of
the set to test.

Machine:    Motherboard: MS5169
Processor:       AMD K-6-2/400      400.9Mhz
Memory: Memtest86+ v4.10   224MB    pass:1 errors:0

Bios:           American Megatrend AMIBIOS 1996 A5169MS v2.6 121598

DASD pci board: Manufacturer: "For Best Ports Connection"
                Sil 3114 sata raid bios version 5.3.14  2006.
                Serial ATA host controller card SA3114-41R  4 port.
                chip: Silicon Image chip StealVine Sil 3114 CTU.
                printed on the chip: QG6332.1-1    0644    AD03AX2.
                printed on the sata pci board: SATA3114-A01
                        FG-SA3114-4IR-01-BC01  or it might be: 
I use this card for the fast disk control bus and future proofing, by
buying sata and not pata.

DASD:           The only hard disk drive in the machine:   160GB  sata
ST3160815AS  drive 0.

I might use the Linux Debian MDADM Software raid 1, if and when I can
get that far into the 'debian squeeze' install.

BIOS:   AMIBIOS HIFLEX setup utility v1.21 1998 American Megatrends.
        Standard cmos setup:    Screen 1.
                Fast Boot  bypasses filesystem checkup      ( currently on.)
                Base memory: 640KB  Extd memory 223 MB  229,376KB
        Advanced CMOS setup:    Screen 2.     ( SCSI works. Was IDE0 for the old
pata disk. IDE 0 to 3.)
                1st Boot device:        CD-ROM
                2nd Boot Device:        SCSI  ( As written in the Sata raid pci 
Board user manual.)
                3rd Boot Device:        Disabled.
                4th Boot Device:        Disabled.
                Try other Boot Devices?: NO.  ( I tried yes and it did not
recognised the SATA board.)
                Boot to OS/2:            NO.
        Advanced Chip Set Up:      Screen .   ---- Nothing of interest here.
        PCI / Plug and play setup: Screen .
                Plug and play aware O/S: Yes
                Offboard PCI IDE CARD?: AUTO    
bios on reboot:
PCI devices: Slot 4 RAID: IRQ9
                        Manufacturer: "For Best Ports Connection"

IDE Primary master:        CDROM Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110.  ( I use this all
the time.)
IDE Primary slave:         Not installed.
IDE Secondary master: Not installed
IDE Secondary slave:  ATAPI CD-ROM Drive 36x.

BIOS: Boot Sector Virus Protection: triggers when I use Grub Disks :-
                Grub Rescue disk grub-0.95-i486-pc.iso  30.07.2007
                Super Grub Disk  SGD_0.9590.iso         31.07.2007
                Grub Super Disk  RESCATUX v0.21 Hybrid  07.12.2010 RESCAPP
All grub iso disk images I obtained, are from I believe to be the
original source Uri's and I MD5SUM checked.

The Boot Sector Virus Protection has been enabled during 'Debian
Squeeze di Beta2' install
and has been disabled during my latest install attempts. Transguard v?
I think. I will check.
BSVP is currently OFF (disabled) with no difference to the symptom.
Yes, I know I must and want to, enable protection eventually.
I will look deeper into this separate BSVP issue later. I have no data
on this machine.

Partitions: During a successful squeeze-di-Beta2-i386 install up until
the auto re boot.
Partition Disks SCSI 1 (0,0,0,) (sda) - 160 GB
        sda # 1  primary  158.5   gb Bootable       Format ext3    /
( after swap space)
        sda # 5  logical    1.5      gb Not bootable  Format swap  /swap  (
begining of disk space)
        sda # 3  primary   99.5    gb Bootable       Format ext3    /boot   (
end of disk space)

I believe swap space should come first (quickest to get to) especially
on a small RAM machine.
if it starts swapping you want swap to be quick to get to. Thrash me
if I am wrong.

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK. [E] = Error

Initial boot:                           [O]
Detect network card:            [O]
Configure network:              [N/A]
Detect CD:                              [O]
Load installer modules:      [O]
Detect hard drives:             [O]
Partition hard drives:                  [O]
Install base system:            [O] Configure Package Manager: Scanning DVD
set disk, Binary-1 only. (yes)
Clock/timezone setup:       [O]
User/password setup:        [O]
Install tasks:                         [O]
Install boot loader:           [O]
Overall install:                       [E]  Won't auto boot into new
installed system, at end of install process.

Installing from debian squeeze di b2 i386 Bin-1 ( Beta 2, Beta-2 )
gives the same symptoms as the Beta-1 install :-

Having installed and auto rebooting through the bios, I get this first
and last symptom :-

Having used:  graphical installer, and expertgui, I get to :-

Scan another CD or DVD?   (No)  ( I used the first dvd only, to
reproduce the symptom.)

I installed GRUB boot loader to the master boot record ? YES and a
later install I answered NO.
Finish the installation: Installation complete, so it is time to boot
into your new system...
The hardware post and bios progress ok, until When the bios hands over
to continue the ipl from a hard disk.
It seems unsuccessful, it  just  waits.
*** This is where the install fails. It does not boot up into the
newly installed system. ***

I repeated the install up to, but not setting passwords, to get to the
dd-mm (Debian Installer-Main Menu)
to:  Check the CD-ROM(s) integrity.   (On the same target machine.)
Integrity test successful. The CD-ROM is valid.
The squeeze di b2 i386 Bin-1 dvd integrity passed ok.

At the " Finished Installation  " screen of another later install.
I go to a shell  Ctrl + Alt F3.  Press enter to activate.

# vol_id  --uuid to print the partitions.
It shows 3 uuid's for the partitions as already shown above.

# nano /target/etc/fstab
# /     was on /dev/sda1 during installation
# /boot was on /dev/sda3 during installation
# /swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation

/dev/scd0      /media/cdrom0
/dev/scd1      /media/cdrom1

osprober: debug: /dev/sda5 is active swap
cdrom during install is /dev/sr0

I did some;  find ...
/target/boot/grub/ (hd0) /dev/disk/by-id/sta-ST3160815AS_9RA0G5DA

# nano /target/boot/grub/menu.lst
title  Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.35-5-486
root   (hd0,2)
kernel /vmlinux-2.6.32-5-486 root = UUID =
705779b6-3e08-4de6-af0e=d8fcf271aa74 ro
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-5-486

Using legacy grub 0.97 it appears not to be able to see (sda).
grub>  root ( TABkey
possible disks are fd0  cd

Using RESCATUX v0.21 and RESCAPP  (My tip is: Beware of long waits.)
Which partition is your Main GNU/Linux? My answer: sda1
These are detected hard disks.          sda   (OK)
Which is the right position for this harddisk ? Position 1  sda (OK)
Run  (OK)  (My tip: Beware a long wait)  Sucess !  (as superuser)
Grub Configuration was updated OK ! :)
Note:  There is no sign of a config log at.

My reminder note: although /boot/grub/grub.cfg is a new replacement
file for menu.lst ,
I am using Legacy grub (grub1) to help me with my SCSi pci raid card,
and my single hard disk.

Thank you for any help to get my Sata3114 connected drive booting.
Regards,   McTech.

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