Hello GNOME foundation licensing team,
I am a user and contributor of the Debian distribution.

I have a question about the GNOME foot Logo.

The "desktop-base" Debian package includes an image which is derived
from the GNOME foot Logo.
I am currently trying to properly document the copyright and license of
the GNOME foot Logo, but I wasn't able to find official information.

According to
the GNOME foot Logo is released under the LGPL v2.1 or later.

However, despite some searches on GNOME official web sites, I was not
able to find any clear copyright notice (with years and copyright
holders) for the Logo, or any clear statement on the copyright license
and license version(s).

Could you please send me the exact copyright notice and permission
notice for the GNOME foot Logo?

Please keep <607...@bugs.debian.org> in Cc:, so that your reply is
publicly shown on the Debian bug report.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

All the best.

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