On Fri, 31 Dec 2010 05:40:31 +0300
sergio <mail...@sergio.spb.ru> wrote:

> On 12/31/2010 03:18 AM, Ricardo Mones wrote:
> >    That seems fine, and is the default configuration, but you referred
> > to a "Debian CAcert root certificate", which is not among these (there's
> > a debconf one and a SPI one, but no certificate called "Debian" exists).
> Sorry, I haven't understood. I'm talking about CAcert. It is free 
> certificate authority, and their root certificate comes in o
> ca-certificates. And have my server, with certificate signed by CAcert.
> % openssl x509 -text -in /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.org.pem
> ...
>          Issuer: O=Root CA, OU=http://www.cacert.org, CN=CA Cert Signing 
> Authority/emailaddress=supp...@cacert.org
>          Validity
>              Not Before: Mar 30 12:29:49 2003 GMT
>              Not After : Mar 29 12:29:49 2033 GMT
>          Subject: O=Root CA, OU=http://www.cacert.org, CN=CA Cert 
> Signing Authority/emailaddress=supp...@cacert.org
> ...

  Right, but that's not "Debian CAcert", which was my point and the bit
  which was misleading me.

> I'm absolutely sure that this is claws-mail bug, because all other 
> programs works well. (mutt, icedove, iceweasel, psi, gajim, gaim and 
> many other). If ca-certificates not installed, all this programs (except 
> of mozilla) shows ssl warning. If ca-certificates installed all this 
> programs trust my server.

  There's probably a lot of users (me among them) which use claws-mail with
  SSL everyday, so I'm also absolutely sure claws-mail has no bug here, but
  it's a problem with your configuration or your expectations :)

> >    In any case, once you're sure the certificate is correctly installed
> > and trusted, please launch "claws-mail --debug>  debug.log 2>&1"...
> I don't think, that all log is interested.

  Of course, but I don't know you, so I don't know if you can separate the
  interesting parts from the uninteresting ones. Glad to know you can.

> I've substituted path to home and my imap server with $HOME and $SERVER
> Folder $HOME/.claws-mail/certs doesn't exists.

  This is where client certificates are stored.
> ...
> [05:04:22] IMAP4> 1 STARTTLS
> [05:04:22] IMAP4< 1 OK Begin TLS negotiation now
> imap-thread.c:1174:imap starttls run - end 0
> imap-thread.c:403:generic_cb
> imap-thread.c:1217:imap starttls - end
> ssl_certificate.c:433:didn't get $HOME/.claws-mail/certs/$SERVER.143.cert
> ssl_certificate.c:571:got 142 certs in ca_list! 0xff8890ac
> ssl_certificate.c:571:got 142 certs in ca_list! 0xff888edc
> ...
> I've just reread warning, that claws shows, it's strange:

  Why is strange? You don't have installed the client certificate under
  ~/.claws-mail/certs for your server so it has to download it and ask
  you for verification. If it's correct you should accept it. Did you?

> Unknown SSL Certificate
> Certificate for equator.ru.net is unknown.
> Do you want to accept it?
> Signature status: Correct
> View certificate
>    Owner
>              Name: equator.ru.net
>      Organization: <not in certificate>
>          Location: <not in certificate>
>    Signer
>              Name: CA Cert Signing Authority
>      Organization: Root CA
>          Location: <not in certificate>
>    Status
>       Fingerprint:  MD5: <md5hash>
>                     SHA1: <sha1hash>
> Signature Status: Correct
>        Expires on: 11/03/18(Fri) 20:59
> -- 
> sergio.

 Ricardo Mones
 «Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy.»

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