Am Mittwoch, den 05.01.2011, 19:57 +0100 schrieb Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe:
> Yeah, that's great with what you did. But - what do you mean with "you"?
> Do you expect me (user!) to modify 05_debian_theme? Or do you mean it's
> easy for you (maintainer!, yes, I know you aren't but for
> 05_debian_theme you currently act like one :)) to disable it? I never
> doubt the latter :)
No, I meant that it's really easy for the GRUB maintainers to disable
that feature, if they think it is necessary.

> > Oh come on! If you have an image file in /boot/grub/, you probably have
> > put it there yourself.
> Oh come on! You (maintainer!) put one there yourself! :)
No, that's not true. The picture copied by the postinst
(moreblue-orbit-grub.png) will be deleted and the cache file is a
dotfile and will therefore not be considered.

Nope, They would plug a script into /etc/grub.d, as you do.
Yes, but if that script is well-written then there should be no

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz

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