tags 609171 patch upstream fixed-upstream


On penktadienis 07 Sausis 2011 03:34:57 José Luis F. Triana García wrote:
> Package: dolphin
> Version: 4:4.4.5-1
> Severity: normal
> Dolphin could not mount hard drive partitions, it seems that Dolphin
> forgets to bring a kdesu dialog in which ask for the admiistrator password
> and then mount the desired partition, instead it displays this message:
> org.freedesktop.Hal.device.volume.permissionDenied: Refusing to mount
> device /dev/sdax for uid=xxxx
> This is a bug that affects other distributions:
> #528907 in Ubuntu launchpad
> #58869 in Mandriva

[00:43:28] <Kano>       hi
[00:43:55] <Kano>       
[00:44:03] <Kano>       that bug is in the debian kde version too
[00:44:11] <Kano>       could somebody use the u bugfix?
[00:44:44] <Kano>       kubuntu_06_user_disk_mounting.diff
[00:46:33] <pinotree>   i guess your user is part of the plugdev group, already?
[00:48:02] <Kano>       the problem is not usb
[00:48:28] <Kano>       but when you have got a policykit config like used in 
live mode
[00:48:47] <Kano>       then you should be able to mount the devices with a 
mouseclick in dolpin
[00:48:51] <Kano>       it works in gnome
[00:49:06] <Kano>       i even dl the squeeze gnome live to compare it
[00:50:00] <Kano>       it does not work in my own iso nor in the kde default 
[00:50:50] <Kano>       scripts/config/111-policykit in live-config package 
writes the config
[00:51:01] <Kano>       if you want to look what is written without dl the image
[00:51:38] <Kano>       basically the used user is granted all rights
[00:53:56] <Kano>       it was fixed in kdelibs
[00:57:04] <devil>      hi Kano 
[00:57:09] <Kano>       hi devil 
[00:58:58] <Kano>       the patch would basically still apply
[01:06:32] <Kano>       devil: did you notice that problem too?
[01:07:20] <devil>      Kano: in 4.4.x yes
[01:07:22] Join nkem_bruno has joined this channel 
[01:07:54] <Kano>       no solution found?
[01:08:11] <devil>      nope, but not much time at my hands atm
[01:10:40] <Kano>       always look at (k)ubuntu then ;)
[01:11:29] Quit tarniak has left this server (Remote host closed the 
[01:13:29] <MoDaX>      Kano: the problem is hal is not compat with polkit-1 
[01:13:33] <s_20>       will this gtk oxygen theme that has been blogged about 
recently make its way to 
[01:13:45] <MoDaX>      which debian kde 4.4 uses 
[01:13:45] <Kano>       MoDaX: look at the patch, they directly call dbus
[01:15:00] Quit Unmensch has left this server (Quit: Konversation terminated!).
[01:15:12] Join Unmensch has joined this channel 
[01:15:49] <MoDaX>      Kano: unless you give me a link to the patch, I won't 
find it. I find launchpad 
unusable basically
[01:16:34] <Kano>       
[01:16:39] <Kano>       enough?
[01:16:56] <MoDaX>      :) too much work
[01:16:57] Quit davi has left this server (Ping timeout: 480 seconds).
[01:17:02] <Kano>       dget
[01:18:10] <MoDaX>      I would rather google patch name
[01:18:30] <dileks>     the mentionned patch is not attached to the BR
[01:18:47] <Kano>       correct, it is in the package itself
[01:19:59] <pinotree>   s_20: no, it won't
[01:20:35] <s_20>       pinotree: oh? :(
[01:20:47] <s_20>       howcome?
[01:20:48] <pinotree>   s_20: debian is frozen since august
[01:21:14] <s_20>       let me rephrase that, will it make its way into debian 
[01:21:16] <pinotree>   after squeeze, if somebody package it, yes
[01:22:14] <MoDaX>      http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-
[01:22:23] <MoDaX>      whatever, it's ugly and needs sudo
[01:22:44] <MoDaX>      s/sudo/kdesu/
[01:22:55] Join vizor has joined this channel (~vi...@
[01:23:11] <Kano>       but it works
[01:23:12] <pinotree>   and it makes libsolid dependent on kdecore
[01:23:53] <Kano>       that is better, a live cd that can mount hds directly 
or you have to tell em to 
use kdesu dolphin?
[01:25:31] <MoDaX>      Kano: get a green light from RT, then we could talk
[01:25:42] <Kano>       rt?
[01:25:52] <MoDaX>      release team
[01:26:22] <Kano>       how?
[01:27:05] <MoDaX>      that's a good question because this bug is not RC no 
matter how you put it. and 
debian is in super deep freeze mode atm
[01:27:53] <Kano>       because it was not reported?
[01:29:30] <MoDaX>      Kano: RC = release critical
[01:30:12] <Kano>       then is the release?
[01:30:14] <Kano>       w
[01:31:05] <Kano>       my guess: still far away ;)
[01:31:21] <MoDaX>      when it's ready, but might be rather soon. 
/etc/debian_version already has 6.0 
[01:31:50] <Kano>       well then put in into an update later
[01:32:16] <MoDaX>      the patch is not clean
[01:33:24] <MoDaX>      RT definitely won't accept anything that has pathname 
hardcoded. that just looks 
wrong at the first sight
[01:34:00] <pinotree>   the bit that changes CMakeLists.txt is just wrong
[01:34:22] <pinotree>   i18n() is a no-go in libsolid, QObject::tr() must be 
used instead
[01:34:57] <Kano>       well you can certainly optimize it
[01:35:32] <PovAddict>  would upstream accept such a change?
[01:35:45] <pinotree>   PovAddict: as is it that way, no
[01:36:15] <pinotree>   and given that there's no more hal usage in the 
upcoming kde 4.6, i'd say 
"even less, even if the patch would be clean"

Modestas Vainius <mo...@debian.org>

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