Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> (12/01/2011):
> I don't think that making apt-xapian-index a Depends of aptitude is
> a good fix... not all users want the associated dependency tree.


> If only the users who have not installed Recommends are affected by
> this bug, it really limits its impact and might not need to be
> treated like RC, but merely important.

Still, that SIGABRT is particularly nasty. I don't think it would cost
too much for anyone remotely fluent in C++ to guard the use of
pkg_docid in src/generic/apt/matching/match.cc to ensure it doesn't
crash so badly.

(Being able to install and actually use aptitude on low-CPU machines
is quite nice, and last I checked, update-apt-xapian-index was killing
both my disk and my CPU on an iBook, for several minutes of joy.)


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