Package: debian-squeeze-di-RC1-i386-binary-1 install, on 13.01.2011.
Using: Debian Installer, Graphical Installer, Release Candidate 1.
Change of Mouse to: 'Chic' optical 'faerie' Model: 3902 C255,
features a PS/2 plug, two button and a scroll wheel.
Machine: Motherboard: A bit KT7, Raid, 1 Ghz.
Processor: AMD AThlon K7, 850 Mhz, Socket 'A'
Memory: SDRAM 2 x 512Mb = 1Gb.
Chipset: Via KT 133 ATX, USB 1.0 compliant, UDMA 100, Socket 'A', FSB
200Mhz, AGP 4X.
(Further details of this machine are already reported previously above.)


Example 1: The [Go Back] screen button icon also does not do it's job always.
>From the Screen: 'Partition Disks','This is an overview of your
currently configured partitions and mount points'.
I selected my blue line #1 158 GB ext3.
I positioned the mouse screen cursor pointer tip in the centre of the
letter 'o' in the screen [Go Back] button icon.
I pressed the left mouse button, the icon greyed out, my selected line
turned a darker blue. The process went into a wait (froze).
I wrote these notes up. I waggled the mouse slightly, while the cursor
pointer was still contained inside the button icon borders.
The software [Go Back] process then proceeded to continue to the next screen OK.

Example 2: Another [Continue] screen button icon not working this time
with this THIRD mouse type.
Screen: 'Partition Disks','Partition Settings'.
Selected blue line: 'Done setting up the partition'.
Clicked left mouse button on the small hole in the letter 'e' in [Continue]
The continue button icon greyed out, the slected line turned a darker
blue, the process did not continue.

I wrote up my notes, microwaved my cold tea, waggled the mouse, the
process continued OK.

Example 3: No problems (so far) with the [Help] button icon.
Screen: 'Partition Disks','This is an overview of your currently
configured partitions and mount points'.
The [Help] button icon was tried 21 times at this screen with no
issue, problem or faiilures.

Example 4: No problems (so far) with the [Screen Shot] (Screenshot) button icon.
Screen: 'Partition Disks','This is an overview of your currently
configured partitions and mount points'.
The [Screenshot] button icon was tried 20 times at this screen with no
issue, problem or failures.


 5: The [Continue] screen button icon failed to do it's job on an occurence of;
Screen: 'Save debug logs','Mounted file system. [Continue].
The selected line turned darker blue, the continue button icon greyed out.
The process did not continue. I wrote up my notes, waggled, the
process continued OK.

Off topic Note: rm removing most of my 'saved debug logs' ( after, I
am guessing, saving 5 logs)
 I bypassed a problem I encountered, and I could then resume saving
debug logs without error.
I was saving to and I entered /target/var/log/
# nano /target/var/log/install/syslog  showed;
Errors were encountered while processing: python-central  E: Sub-process
  /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Example 6: 14.01.2011.
I changed to a 4th? mouse, to a Compaq branded suznou Logitech Electronics Ltd,
ASSY P/N 334684-108  2001.04.12  38920101 Two button, mouse ball,
scroll wheel, PS/2 plug.
On machine: Motherboard: A bit KT7, Raid, 1 Ghz.
(Further details -less mouse- of this machine are already reported
previously above.)
I started a debian squeeze di RC1 i386 binary 1 DVD install session. I
had an occurence of [Continue] failing,
 on Screen: 'Set up users and passwords','?enter password?'
a little waggle took me to 'A user account will be created for you to
use...' Proceeded OK.

Example 7: [Go Back] failed at Screen: 'Finish the
installation','Installation complete'.
1) I wish GoBack would indicate where it was going to.
   It varies from; di-mm screen, to, where it came from.
2) Ouch, A spacebar tap to free screensaver, was taken by di as a [Continue].

Example 8: [GoBack] failed at Screen: 'Save debug logs','Mounted file system'.
[GoBack], failure, waggle, to screen: 'Directory in which to save
debug logs', OK.

Example 9: New start RC1 install, Screen Partition Disks','?Choose method?'
[Continue] failed (Froze), waggled, the process proceeded to continue OK.

In summary, The issue symptom reproduces on Multiple machines with
multiple mice,
 on at least two screen button icons; [Go Back] and [Continue].

I wonder what the library is called that supplies the screen widget software ?

di is great software getting greater. My regards to all involved, McTech.

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