One more observation: while trying to investigate the problem
        further, I've tried to turn the logging feature of the ‘oc’
        library (which is part of NetCDF) on via setting the ‘OCLOGFILE’
        environment variable to point to a file.  Instantly, the issue
        was no more.  Consider, e. g.:

$ OCLOGFILE=/dev/null \
      ncdump -h\?tmpsfc 
netcdf gfs_hd_00z {
        lat = 361 ;
        lon = 720 ;
        time = 65 ;
        float tmpsfc(time, lat, lon) ;
                tmpsfc:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ;
                tmpsfc:missing_value = 9.999e+20f ;
                tmpsfc:long_name = "** surface temperature [k] " ;

// global attributes:
                :title = "GFS half degree (0.5x0.5) fcst starting from 
00Z28jan2011, downloaded Jan 28 04:33 UTC" ;
                :Conventions = "COARDS\n",
                        "GrADS" ;
                :dataType = "Grid" ;
                :history = "Fri Jan 28 04:37:22 UTC 2011 : imported by GrADS 
Data Server 2.0" ;

        … A Heisenbug?

FSF associate member #7257

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