* Julian Andres Klode <j...@debian.org> [Sun Jan 30, 2011 at 06:22:31PM +0100]:
> Version: 0.98.8

> The btrfs module depends on libcrc32c which requires a crc32c
> provider like crc32c, but does not specify it in depends; and
> the module is thus not included. The result is that if you
> choose to install with / formatted as btrfs, the installation
> is not able to boot.

> A possible solution is to include the crc32c module whenever
> a module requests libcrc32c.

Since you're reporting against version 0.98.8:

| initramfs-tools (0.98.8) unstable; urgency=high
| [...]
|   * [78d9e04] initramfs-tools: Handle hidden dependency of libcrc32c on
|     crc32c. (Closes: #608538)

This is supposed to provide exactly what you're asking for.
What am I missing?


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